On Oblivion

Mark Schuyler
1 min readJun 21, 2023

Sometimes I stand in the heat at the top of the hill
and marvel at the complete stillness.
No birdsong, no wind, not even the smell of dried grass
or distant rain. I imagine not being in the world

anymore. Going back to where I was before Eternity ended
and gathering myself before returning to Eternity once more.
The heat is the only thing I can feel now. I wonder again,
as I have for my entire life. Why did I wake up? Why must I go

back to sleep? I cannot decide whether becoming sentient
or returning to oblivion is a blessing or curse, or even
which is which. My guess it is both. And neither. From what
I’ve witnessed of this world, that sounds about right. The heat

continues to build and though time seems to be at a complete
stand-still, a perpetual now, the universe will dissolve in just
a matter of years. And even the heat will be gone and the temperature
of the universe will descend to absolute zero and everything everywhere

will flatline.



Mark Schuyler

A former SAT Test Item Developer, Mark coaches the SAT and ACT online and in-person. He is passionate about Dogs, Solar Power, Poetry, Computers, and Education.